How Many Weeks Can You Draw Unemployment in Nc

Learn The Unemployment Eligibility Rules Benefit Amounts And More For North Carolina

How to Appeal a North Carolina Unemployment Claim Online.

By Sachi Barreiro, Attorney

In North Carolinaas in every other stateemployees who are temporarily out of work through no fault of their own may qualify for unemployment benefits. The eligibility rules, prior earnings requirements, benefit amounts, and other details vary from state to state. Here are the basic rules for collecting unemployment compensation in North Carolina.

Calculating Your Benefit Payments

The DES takes the total wages in the last two quarters in your base period and divides that number by 52 to determine your weekly benefit amount .

The maximum WBA in NC is currently $350. The minimum amount is $15. If the above calculation is below $15, you will not be eligible for benefits.

The DES offers a benefits estimator at their website. Youll need your social security number to use it.

Extended Benefits

You are allowed a maximum of 20 weeks of benefits. In times of high unemployment, the state and federal government each have programs to extend the maximum weeks. Currently, neither the state nor federal government have authorized any extended benefits.

Filing An Unemployment Claim Made Easy

There are four different ways to file for benefits for Unemployment in North Carolina. Anyone interested in obtaining the benefits can get the process started by sending an application to the Division of Employment Security in NC. Applications can be sent through fax, email, the organizations website or by calling it into one of the offices such as the office of Unemployment in Raleigh NC.

Sending in a claim for the benefits is simple to do and can be completed in less than a few hours for most people. If you are approved for benefits youll be notified of how much youll receive while you remain eligible for the payments. Applicants can also use an unemployment calculator in NC to find out how much they can expect to be paid out.

What Information is Required on the Application?

When submitting an application to get the benefits for unemployment youll be asked for specific information. Below is a quick overview of the information required.

  • Social Security Number
  • Email address
  • Mailing address and home address
  • Employment information, or information from the Federal government or the military if you were employed by them
  • How much severance pay youre receiving, if any
  • Bank account information if you want to receive direct deposit payments
  • Additional states youve worked in during the past 18 months

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Fox 46 Charlotte Breaking News

North Carolinians who collect unemployment benefits will soon be required to show proof they are searching for a job if they want to keep receiving benefits.

This comes after Gov. Roy Cooper announced an;executive order;that reinstates work search requirements, which were put on hold during the pandemic.

The changes come at a time when many businesses are struggling to hire and fill open positions.

Starting June 6, anyone receiving unemployment will have to follow these requirements:

  • Claimants must make contact with at least three different employers each week and keep a record of their work search, as is required by state law. One of the three weekly job contacts can be satisfied by attending an approved reemployment activity offered by an NCWorks Career Center or a partnering agency.
  • To continue receiving benefits, all unemployment claimants will be required to register with a jobseeker account on, North Carolinas online portal for employment and training services. Jobseekers can use to search and apply for jobs, access labor market information, and find opportunities for workforce training. Over the next several weeks, existing claimants will receive notifications about registering for NCWorks.

Since the start of the pandemic, North Carolina has distributed more than $11.7 billion in unemployment benefits across multiple state and federal programs.

What Are The Requirements For Filing A Valid Claim


You must have worked in employment subject to UI tax and received wages in at least two quarters of your base period. You must also have been paid wages totaling at least six times the average weekly insured wage during your base period. The exact amount of benefits and the duration of those benefits cannot be determined until you actually file your claim for benefits.

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Do I Have To Show I Am Looking For A Job

As of June 6, 2021, North Carolina requires any person who receives unemployment to be seeking employment.;

The absolute first step in making sure you receive your unemployment benefits is to go to and create an account.;

Next, there are a few things you can do to start meeting your work search requirements. You can:

  • Search and apply for jobs by submitting a resume and application directly on the website.
  • Register for workshops on and attend virtually, or complete courses on soft skills like professional etiquette, or communication.
  • Consider taking career assessments on or find out what your skills are, or your work interests.
  • You can visit us at the NCWorks Career Center to get 1-on-1 career counseling.
  • Attend one of our many hiring events virtually or in person. To prepare for these events, talk with a career advisor or attend a workshop so you get more comfortable with interviews and creating an all-star resume.
  • How Are Weekly Benefits Determined In North Carolina

    When you file a claim, DES will send you a Wage Transcript and Monetary Determination letter.; This shows all employers you worked for and what your wages were for your base period. This does not guarantee you will be paid North Carolina unemployment benefits but outlines how much you could be paid and for how many weeks if you meet all North Carolina unemployment requirements.

    How much you will be paid is determined by the amount of wages earned in your Base Period.; As part of your initial North Carolina unemployment application process, you will need to determine what your total gross wages were during your Base Period, as well as how much you received during each calendar quarter. Your Period is the first four of the past five completed calendar quarters prior to the date you applied for benefits.

    To qualify for benefits, you must have qualifying wages which are defined as six times the average insured weekly wages in at least two quarters of either the Base Period or an alternate Base Period. To file North Carolina unemployment, you must have at least $780 in wage in one of the last two quarters to establish a Weekly Benefit Amount.

    The Weekly Benefit Amount is calculated by adding the wages paid to you in the last two completed quarters of your Base Period and dividing that number by 52.

    If that amount is less than $15, you are not eligible for benefits. The maximum North Carolina amount also known as a Weekly Benefit Amount you can receive is $350.

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    It Says Something About A Waiting Week In The Claims Filing Information What Am I Waiting On

    The waiting period week is the first week you file for and are otherwise eligible. You will never receive payment for this first week. It must be claimed to be counted. It does not mean you should wait a week before you file the claim.

    Want to know about how much you will receive?? >Calculate your benefits here

  • This Could Lead To Tens Of Thousands Of People Across The United States Without Work Or Access To Unemployment Benefits Because They Refuse To Get Vaccinated One Employment Attorney Said

    25,000 in North Carolina still waiting on unemployment decisions

    You can get fired for not getting a COVID-19 vaccine if your employer requires it.


    Each day more employers are telling employees they need to be vaccinated against COVID-19 to work in person or risk being fired.

    On Thursday, CNN revealed it had fired three unvaccinated employees for violating the companys vaccine requirement for in-person workers, according to an internal memo signed by Jeff Zucker, the cable networks president, and obtained by the New York Times.

    Unlike millions of Americans who were laid off during the pandemic, the three former CNN employees likely wont qualify for unemployment benefits, employment law experts told MarketWatch.

    CNN parent company WarnerMedia, a unit of AT&TT, +0.60% , declined to comment on the firings.

    In most states, individuals have to prove theyre out of work through no fault of their own to collect unemployment benefits.

    In most states, individuals have to prove theyre out of work through no fault of their own to collect unemployment benefits.

    This often means that they are let go due to a lack of work, said Alana Ackels, a labor and employment lawyer at Bell Nunnally, a Dallas-based law firm.

    Typically, an employee who is terminated for failing to comply with company policies is not eligible for unemployment benefits, which would include refusing to comply with a companys COVID-19 prevention policies, masking requirements or vaccine requirements, Ackels told MarketWatch.

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    What Is An Earning Allowance

    Your earning allowance is the amount of money you can earn without reducing your weekly benefit amount. Earnings over this amount are deducted dollar-for-dollar from your weekly benefits. You must always report your gross earnings for any work performed during any week you claim benefits.

    How Do I Apply For Unemployment Benefits

    You can apply for unemployment benefits online seven days a week via North Carolina's Department of Commerce. The information you'll need to provide includes:

    • Your Social Security number or Alien Registration Number if you're not a U.S. citizen
    • Your work history for the past two years;
    • Details of your separation agreement, including severance pay you may be entitled to
    • Your SF-50 form, SF-8 form, pay stub, or W-2 if you were a federal employee
    • Form DD-214 if you were in the military;
    • Your bank account details if you intend to sign up for direct deposit

    Don't forget to fill in your weekly claim certificate every week, starting the week after you apply — even if your application has not yet been approved.

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    Can I Draw Unemployment In North Carolina If I Quit My Job

    Typically, if you voluntary leave your job in North Carolina, the state will not allow you to receive unemployment compensation. Eligibility is based on how long you worked during a specific base period, how much you earned and reason for job separation. If you have a valid reason for leaving your job, you may file a dispute or appeal if the state denies your unemployment claim. The Employment Security Commission of North Carolina is the agency that manages the states unemployment program.

    North Carolina Unemployment Calculator


    Calculate your projected benefit by filling quarterly wages earned below:

    We created this calculator to aid you evaluate what you might obtain if you are entitled. We make no promises that the sum you receive will be equal to what the calculator illustrates.

    To apply for North Carolina unemployment benefits click here

    The most recent figures for North Carolina show an unemployment rate of 4.8%.

    Non-Monetary Eligibility Requirements

    You can collect benefits if you meet a series of legal eligibility requirements:

    • Have earned qualifying wages
    • Are unemployed through no fault of their own
    • Are able and obtainable to work full-time and
    • Are keenly looking for full-time work

    In addition to having adequate earnings, you must meet other eligibility benefits to be entitled for UI benefits. Some instances of issues that may influence eligibility for UI benefits comprise:

    • Reason for job separation
    • Self employment or corporate offices
    • Strike or labor disputes
    • Denial of a job offer
    • Alien status

    More details on UI eligibility can be found in the unemployment eligibility article.

    Monetary Eligibility Requirements

    The claimant must have at least $780 in the last two quarters to establish the minimum weekly benefit amount of fifteen dollars . NC Employment Security law limits the maximum WBA to three hundred fifty dollars .

    For more information on unemployment eligibility,visit article.

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    How To Meet The Eligibility Terms For North Carolina Unemployment

    There is a list of requirements that the applicant must meet in order to qualify to receive Unemployment benefits in NC from the Office of Unemployment in Greenville NC and all other areas of the state.

    The Reason for Unemployment Matters

    The first requirement to receive benefits from the NC Division of Employment Security is to have lost your job at no fault of your own. This means that you were let go due to layoffs and lack of work. Employees that were fired due to misconduct of some sort, or those that quit a job arent eligible to receive unemployment benefits from ESC NC offices.

    When making an NC unemployment claim youll be asked why you dont have employment any longer. In order to qualify youll have to show that you were unemployed because of layoffs of one type or another. This is essential if you go to file for unemployment in NC.

    If your job is lost for a different reason then receiving unemployment in NC benefits wont usually be possible. In that instance, you wont need to look at NC unemployment benefits estimate figures, and will instead want to contact the state about other benefits that you can take advantage of. Only dial the NC unemployment phone numbers if you think you were denied wrongly, otherwise talk with other NC organizations about getting help for you.

    Getting Unemployment After Being Fired

    Were You Fired for Misconduct?

    Other Types Of Benefits And Programs For The Unemployed

    Educational Help

    Federal agencies offer many unemployment education and training programs. They are generally free or low cost to the unemployed.

    Self-Employment Help

    Self-employment assistance programs help unemployed workers start their own small businesses. Delaware, Mississippi, New Hampshire, New York, and Oregon offer this program.

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    Your Employer Claims You Were Fired For Misconduct

    You may not be eligible for benefits if you were fired for misconduct connected with the work. In North Carolina, misconduct is defined as:

    • deliberate disregard or violation of standards of behavior that were explained to you or that an employer has the right to expect from an employee, or
    • carelessness of such degree or frequency as to demonstrate significant and intentional disregard of the employee's duties or the employer's interests.

    What Kind Of Work Must I Accept

    Changes to filing for unemployment in North Carolina

    You must accept any suitable work during your first 10 weeks of the benefit period based on such factors as your experience, customary occupation, prior earnings, etc. During the remaining weeks, any suitable work must be considered. NOTE: Suitable work will be any work offered that pays 120% of your weekly benefit amount beginning with the eleventh week after you file your claim.

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    I Am Not 65 Or Older Or A High

    You should talk to your employer. If your employer has taken steps to create a safer workplace by following safety standards as recommended by the Centers for Disease Control or other governmental authorities or industry groups, you may be found ineligible for benefits if you choose not to return to work. If your employer is not following recommended safety standards, then your refusal to return to work may make you eligible for benefits.

    When Do My Benefits End

    North Carolina determines the number of weeks you may get unemployment based on the statewide unemployment rate, which is adjusted seasonally. North Carolina unemployment insurance benefits are typically available for anywhere from 12 weeks to 20 weeks but may be extended during times of economic crisis.

    Under normal circumstances your unemployment payments may end earlier if you fail to meet continuing eligibility requirements. Youre typically required to keep a written record of your job search by filing a new claim via your online account weekly. Failure to file the weekly certification of benefits on time will stop your benefit payment for that week, and youll have to reopen your claim and delay payment with a new waiting period.

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    Before You File A Claim

    • The fastest and most efficient way to apply for unemployment benefits is to create an online account and file online at ;
    • If youre temporarily out of work or your working hours have been reduced due to COVID-19, choose coronavirus as your reason for separation when filing your claim.
    • Remember, you must complete a Weekly Certification for every week you are filing for benefits. Sign into your online account to complete your Weekly Certifications.
    • Your eligibility and amount of benefits cannot be determined until after you file your claim.

    Program Changes Due To Covid

    How To File Weekly Unemployment Claim In Nc

    When the COVID-19 pandemic began, full-time students from all fields of study lost their employment. Reasons for losing a job ranged from schools being unable to offer work-study jobs because of compliance with shelter-in-place orders to a drop in demand for goods and services from private employers. As North Carolina enters a reopening phase, whether a college student can continue to receive unemployment insurance benefits depends on multiple factors.

    When a students job reopens and their employer wants them back, but the student is not comfortable returning for health reasons, they may still be able to receive unemployment. This depends on the students personal health risks, whether the employer has complied with health precautions and whether they are offering remote work options. A student has a stronger case if they are 65 or older or have a medical condition that puts them at higher risk from COVID-19.

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    How Many Weeks Can You Draw Unemployment in Nc


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