Download Oracle Database 12c for Windows

In this article, I will take you through the steps to install Oracle Database 12c. Oracle database is the most widely used database across the world due to its multiple features capability. Some of its features are:-

a)Cluster Creation: Provides Real Application Cluster(RAC) Performance.
b)Performance and Scalability: Provides LOB(Large Object) Performance.
c)Database Security: Uses standard encryption algorithm like AES and 3DES to encrypt columns.
d)Availability: Provides fast start failover to standby database
e)Grid Management: Provides Automatic Storage Management and Standalone Disk Group Management.
f)Grid Computation: Simplify data provisioning within Grid environment.
g)Content Management: Provides new set of document filters.

Install Oracle Database

Before going through the steps to install Oracle Database you need to download the database software and keep it ready.

Easy steps to Install Oracle Database 12c in Windows 10 1

Step 1: Download Oracle Database 12c Release 2

You first need to go to Download Oracle Database 12c and download Oracle Database 12c in your local system to install Oracle database.

Step 2: Extract Zip file

Now you need to extract Oracle 12c Zip file in your local folder which will provide you with the below files:-

Easy steps to Install Oracle Database 12c in Windows 10 2

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Step 3: Run Setup.exe as Administrator

You need to right click on setup.exe and select Run as Administrator. After validating and passing the prerequisites it will display you the below screen. If you want you can let "I wish to receive security updates" checked to receive the latest security updates. In our case I will uncheck this option. Then click on Next.

Easy steps to Install Oracle Database 12c in Windows 10 3

Step 4: Create and Configure Database

Now we need to configure a database here, so I will select Create and Configure Database option and click on Next.

Easy steps to Install Oracle Database 12c in Windows 10 4

Step 5: Select the Server Class

Here you need to select either Desktop Class Installation or Server Class Installation.

Desktop Class: You need to select this option when you are installing on a local system or on Desktop System. This will provide you a started database and involves less configuration overhead.

Server Class: You need to select this option when you are installing on a Server Class Systems, which basically means a system you are going to use on Production with more advanced features.

Easy steps to Install Oracle Database 12c in Windows 10 5

Step 6: Choose Oracle Home User Account

Here you have three options:-

a)Use Virtual Account
b)Use Existing Windows User
c)Create new Windows User
d)Use Windows Built-in Account

Easy steps to Install Oracle Database 12c in Windows 10 6

Step 7: Select Installation Configuration

Here you need to provide below configuration:-

Oracle Base: D:\app\test
Software location: D:\app\test\product\12.2.0\dbhome_1
Database File Location: D:\app\test\oradata
Global Database Name:
Password: Test@12345
Pluggable Database Name: orclpdb

Easy steps to Install Oracle Database 12c in Windows 10 7

Step 8: Prerequisite Checks

After giving the database configuration, it will check if all the prerequisites are met or not. If any of the prerequisites fail, it will show you here.

Easy steps to Install Oracle Database 12c in Windows 10 8

Step 9: Install Product

Once all the prerequisites are in place, installation will get started as you can see below. You can see the progress of installation as well as the status of installation.

Easy steps to Install Oracle Database 12c in Windows 10 9

Step 10: Installation Completion

Once installation is completed without any error, you will get below screen with the URL to login.

Easy steps to Install Oracle Database 12c in Windows 10 10

Step 11: Login to the Database

Now you can access the Database Page at https://localhost:5500/em.

Easy steps to Install Oracle Database 12c in Windows 10 11

Congratulations!! You have now successfully installed the Oracle Database 12c !!

Download Oracle Database 12c for Windows


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