How to Check Pf Account Details Using Pf Number
There are 2 ways to check how many of your Member Ids or PF accounts linked to UAN. Member Id or Member Identification Numbers or Employee Provident Fund(EPF) account number is the number given by EPFO to allow the employer to submit EPF and EPS contribution for the employee. When you change a job the EPF contribution in it is made to a new PF account number or Member Id. From 2014 these different Member Ids should be tied to UAN. This article explains the difference between UAN and Member Id. It explains in detail with images how many Member Ids are linked to UAN. The 2 ways to check how many of
- Log in to UAN Portal atMember Home and click on View->Service History
- Go to EPFO website ,Click on Our Services->Employees, select Know Your Claim Status. Enter your UAN & Captcha and hit Enter. You will see PF Account list which associated with the specific UAN.
Any PF number missing has to be linked to UAN via linkOne Employee One PF.
PF accounts linked to UAN on UAN website
What is the difference between Member Id and UAN?
Employer submits the EPF(Employee Provident Fund) money to the EPFO (Employee Provident Fund Office) on behalf of the employee. This includes both the employee contribution, employer contribution, Employee Pension Scheme. Member Id or Member Identification Numbers or PF account number is the number given by EPFO to allow the employer to submit EPF and EPS contribution for theemployee. It's like Employer opens an EPF account for its employee and contributes to that account every month.
When the employee changes the job then the new employer will open a new account number for its employee in EPFO. So a new Member ID will be allotted to the employee. Member ID is same as PF number earlier. So you would have as many Member ID as the number of employers who contributed to EPFO on your behalf.
Member ID or PF Account Number is in the format given below. PF Account Number may not have Extension code. Ex: For someone who works in Bangalore the code can be BG/BNG/012345//789.
EPFO Office Code/Establishment Code(Max. 7 Digits)/Extension(Max. 3 digits)/Account Number (Max 7 digit)
Ex: BG/BNG/012345//0001789
UAN is Universal Account Number. The UAN is a 12-digit number allotted to an employee who is contributing to EPF. An employee should have only one UAN or Universal Account number. All your Provident Funds or your Member Ids would be tied to your UAN . It will maintain all your Member Ids. It's like you can have multiple Saving Bank account but all these are tied to your one Permanent Account Number or PAN. So when you change your job and the new employer, if contributing to EPF, gives you a new Member ID. This new Member ID has to be linked to your UAN number.
Video on Difference between UAN and Member Id
In EPF what is the Difference between UAN and Member Id or Provident Fund Account number
How to Check Number of PF accounts linked to UAN through UAN Member Website
Login to UAN Member Website and Click on View->Service History. Our article UAN or Universal Account Number and Registration of UAN talks about how to register your UAN.
PF accounts linked to UAN on UAN website through View History
You will see an overview of the various companies you worked in with the date of joining and leaving. You would see following information
- Your Member Id or PF account Number
- Your name as it appears in the records of EPF for that organization
- Name of the company for which you worked.
- DOJ EPF: Date of joining Employee Provident Fund. The day from when your EPF contribution started. Should be your date of joining.
- DOE EPF: Date of Exit of Employee Provident Fund. The day when your employer stopped contributing to your EPF account. Should be the date of your resignation.
- DOJ EPS: Date of joining of Employee Pension Scheme. It would be same as DOJ EPF.
- DOE EPF: Date of Exit of Employee Pension Scheme. It would be same as DOE EPF.
- DOJ FPS: FPS stands for FAMILY PENSION SCHEME, 1971 and is no more in operation. FPS has been replaced by EPS (Employee Pension Scheme) in 1995 and FPS is now known as Ceased Pension Scheme. It would always be Not Available for those who joined after 1995.
- DOE FPS: Date of Exit of Family Pension Scheme. It would always be Not Avaible for those who joined after 1995.
If you click on Detailed View on the top right-hand corner you can more details.
PF accounts linked to UAN on UAN website
Detailed View of Provident Funds linked to UAN. You would know if PF is exempted or not. Reason for leaving the company.
Clicking on Tabular View would show details in table format and is as shown in the image above.
Clicking on Download PDF opened another tab in our Chrome browser and it was empty.
Detailed information of PF accounts linked to UAN on UAN website
How to Check Number of PF accounts linked to UAN through Member Claim Status
Go to EPFO website ,Click on Our Services->Employees, select Know Your Claim Status.
Enter your UAN & Captcha and hit Enter. you will see PF Account list which associated with the specific UAN.
Checking number of accounts linked to your UAN at EPFwebsite
If you click on the link from where you have transferred the account, in our case BGB002000000000003, you would see your transfer details.
Claim details for PF account from which EPF was transferred
For the account for which transfer has not happened or no claim then you can see following details
PF account details linked to UAN
All About EPF,EPS,EDLIS, Employee Provident Fund
All About UAN or Universal Account Number of EPF
- FAQ on UAN number and Change of Job
- UAN or Universal Account Number and Registration of UAN
- EPF Form 11 on Joining a New Job: Auto transfer of EPF account
- EPF Withdrawal:How to withdraw from EPF and EPS
How to Check Pf Account Details Using Pf Number
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